Notre collège

Collège de Magenta

The school cafetaria

The cafeteria is located on the left of the entrance.
There are 200 seats, it’s a self service so the pupils 
can choose what they want to eat. 
There are four services from 11.30AM to 1.00PM.
Here are some examples of different menus
Monday: Pizza, Italian pastas, yoghurt
Tuesday: salad, chicken and chips, fruit
Wednesday: carrots, rice with beef, ice cream
(Quentin BORDEAU 409)

The playing fields

The playing fields are situated not too far from the school .
The students can play baseball, badminton, handball , 
basketball and football. We can also run.
We use them during P.E classes with our teacher, 
but we can also go there after school or with our club.
The playing fields were renovated last year for the next 
Pacific Games.
(Cyril Charriaud 404)

The general office

The school office is situated in the reception of the school in the building F.
The students go there to have information about programme, time table, teachers ...
In the general office, there is a shelf on which the class diaries are stored.
There is also a board on which the pupils are listed.

The staff
The Principal is M.FAURE.He manages the school.
The vice Principal is Mrs. BLANC.
There are 9 supervisors to look after the pupils.
There are about 90 teachers and 1 100 pupils. 
All the staff takes care of the students.
Mr. MORILLAS and Mrs. TAVITIAN are the two main advisers of education.
(Niméra Poidyaliwane 405)

The school library

The library is situated in the building F, above the general office, on the first floor.
The students come here to read books, do their homework, make researches and ...relax.
It is a very good place!

The study room

The study room is situated on the ground floor.
The students go here to do or finish their homework (reference books such as dictionaries are provided).


The principal's office

The Principal's office is situated in the entrance of our school.
The Principal, the Vice Principal and two secretaries work in this office.